Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 9 | Read Now
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 9
9] Design and devlop an assembly program to display messages ‘FIRE’ and ‘HELP’ alternately with flickering effects on a 7-segment display interface for a suitable period of time. Ensure a flashing rate that makes it easy to read both the messages( Examiner does not specify these delay values nor is it necessary for the student to compute these values).
9] Program code (lab9.asm)
.model small .stack 64 .data pa equ 0e880h pb equ 0e881h pc equ 0e882h ctrl equ 0e883h fire db 71h,11h,0ah,61h help db 91h,61h,0e3h,31h msg db 'press any key on kbd to return to dos','$' .code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov al,90h mov dx,ctrl out dx,al mov ah,09h lea dx,msg int 21h again:lea bp,fire call disp call delay lea bp,help call disp call delay mov ah,6h mov dl,0ffh int 21h jz again mov ah,4ch int 21h delay proc mov ax,08fffh agn1:mov cx,05fffh agn:loop agn dec ax jnz agn1 ret delay endp disp proc mov si,3 nxtchr:mov ah,8 mov al,ds:[bp+si] nxtseg:mov dx,pb out dx,al mov ch,al mov al,0 mov dx,pc out dx,al mov al,0f0h out dx,al dec ah jz below mov al,ch ror al,1 jmp nxtseg below: dec si cmp si,-1 jne nxtchr ret disp endp end