System Software Lab 1| Read Now

System Software VTU Lab

Program 1

a] Write a LEX program to recognize valid arithmetic expressions. Identifiers in the expression could be only
integers and operators could be + and *. Count the identifiers & operators present and print them separately.

b] Write YACC program to evaluate arithmetic expression involving operators: +, -, *, and /.

Steps in writing LEX Program:

  1. Step – Using gedit create a file with extension .l For example: prg1.l
  2. Step – lex prg1.l
  3. Step – cc lex.yy.c –ll
  4. Step – ./a.out
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Steps in writing YACC Program:

  1. Step: Using gedit editor create a file with extension y. For example: gedit prg1.y
  2. Step: YACC –d prg1.y
  3. Step: lex prg1.l
  4. Step: cc lex.yy.c -ll
  5. Step: /a.out

System Software Lab 1a Code [lab1.l]

int v=0,op=0,id=0,flag=0;

[a-zA-Z]+[0-9A-Za-z]* {id++;}
[0-9]+ {id++;}
[\+\-\*/\=] {op++;}
"(" {v++;}
")" {v--;}
";" {flag=1;}
.|\n {return 0;}

int main()
        printf("Enter the expression:");
        if((op+1)==id && v==0 && flag==0)
                printf("\n Expression is Valid\n");
                printf("No of identifier = %d \n No of Operators = %d \n",id,op);
                printf("\n Expression is Invalid\n");
return 0;


System Software Lab 1a Code [lab1.l] – Output

System Software

System Software Lab 1b Code [lab1b.y]

#include ""
extern yylval;

[0-9]+ {yylval=atoi(yytext);return num;}
[\+\-\*\/] {return yytext[0];}
[)] {return yytext[0];}
[(] {return yytext[0];}
. {;}
\n {return 0;}

lab1b.y - PROGRAM

%token num
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'

|exp'/'exp{ if($3==0){printf("Divide by Zero error\n");exit(0);}
   else  $$=$1/$3;}

int yyerror()

int main()
 printf("Enter an expression:\n");

System Software Lab 1b Code [lab1b.y] – Output

System Software

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