C PROGRAMMING LAB – 02] Develop a Program to solve simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions and use of each operator leading to the simulation of a Commercial calculator
- Step-1: Start
- Step-2: Read the variables a and b
- Step-3: Options Desplay
- Step-4: Read the input choice
- Step-5: If Choice is
- 1 then execute step 6
- 2 then execute step 7
- 3 then execute step 8
- 4 then execute step 9
- Other than above mentioned choice than execute step 10
- Step-6: Addition of a and b
- Step-7: Substraction of a and b
- Step-8: Multiplication of a and b
- Step-9: Division of a and b
- Step-10: Invalid choice
- Step-11: Print the result
- Step-12: Stop
Flow Chart
Program-2 Source Code
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b; int op; printf(" 1.Addition\n 2.Subtraction\n 3.Multiplication\n 4.Division\n 5.Remainder\n"); printf("Enter the values of a & b: "); scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); printf("Enter your Choice : "); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) { case 1 : printf("Sum of %d and %d is : %d",a,b,a+b); break; case 2 : printf("Difference of %d and %d is : %d",a,b,a-b); break; case 3 : printf("Multiplication of %d and %d is : %d",a,b,a*b); break; case 4 : printf("Division of Two Numbers is %d : ",a/b); break; case 5: printf("Remainder of %d and %d is : %d",a,b,a%b); break; default : printf(" Enter Your Correct Choice."); break; } }
Enter the values of a & b:
Enter your choice
Sum of a and b is : 10
C PROGRAMMING -Viva Questions
1] What is a switch statement?
2] What is a case in switch statement?
3] Does default necessary in switch case?
4] How many cases can you have in a switch statement?